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Next generation websites for your business

PageAim helps businesses focus on solving problems for their customers through innovative software solutions


1,000+ users

Everything you need

The most powerful tools for your business


Simplify your work and gain valuable insights into your business with our advanced analytics tools

Less Code

Less coding needed to customize aspects of your dashboard without needing to write a single line of code


Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand, our platform is designed to grow with you

Helping you focus on what really matters

By hosting and managing all software and infrastructure on our platform, you can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on maintenance and support.

  • Easy to use
  • Multiple users
  • Smart features
  • Secure platform

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Smart features

All the tools you need

Easy to use

Made for everyone


WP Plugins + Themes

5 star

User reviews


Open Source


PHP support

Designed to scale when your business grows

PageAim platform is designed to scale with your business, so you can easily accommodate more users and customers as your SaaS grows.

  • Designed to scale
  • Latest PHP support
  • Fast loading
  • 100% User Friendly

Compatible with all your favorite software tools

Full integration and support for most popular tools and platforms. If there’s an integration missing that you need, let us know and we’ll happily add support.

  • eCommerce plugins
  • Conversion rate
  • Form plugins
  • Custom integrations

Responsive settings

Fully responsive positioning system


Full support for WooCommerce and EDD

Conversion focussed

Convert more visitors into customers


Frequently asked questions

What is a Domain name and do I really need one?
Domain name is the unique name of your website (like, etc) that differentiates it from the other sites on the Internet. The domain name is the address of your website. You can move your domain name (entire web site) from one host to another.
How do I upload my website?
You can upload your website using any FTP Client or the File Manager inside your hosting control panel.
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a directive (rule) adopted by the European Parliament (in 2016) and aims to control the processing and collecting of personal data of individuals (data subjects) based in the EU.
Does this service provide 1-click installs?
Yes, 1-click installs are included.
How to use my already registered domain name with your web hosting service?
To set up the domain with us, add the domain through the Domain Manager menu, inside your hosting control panel. Once added under ‘NS’ column, you will see the proper NS settings next to the domain name. You need to point your domain to the specified NS settings (Name Servers). You can do so either by asking your domain provider, or you can do it yourself if you have a domain control panel.
Can I edit a files’ content through the Control Panel?
Yes, you can. Inside your hosting control panel, File Manager section, next to each file there is an icon in the form of a paper sheet. Click on that icon to view and edit files’ content.
I lost my username/Client ID and/or password.
If you can recall your username/Client ID, please use the lost password retrieval tool at our login page. If you lost your username/Client ID as well, you can simply contact us by sending an email from the email address used originally for the account registration and ask for your details. The email address to send your query is support[at]
Does this service provide email accounts?
Yes, email accounts are including with this service

Question not answered above? Contact us →

Ready to take your site the next level?

There has never been a better time than right now.